Monday, November 28, 2005
50 Kinds of F*cked up!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Nothings Wrong
I was considering geting professinal help but that cost just a wee to much
Xbox360 was released last week I'm geting one for christmass my budy rushedo ut the day after and got him mine was reserved threw my moms work
in one year i plan to move out i cant take the people i live with any more its not that i hate them or any thing its just that i cant stand them any more every little thing seems to get to me any more when they dont throw away there trash or dont take there dishes to the sink or rinse them off when they leave there clothes in the bathroom little stuff like that stuff i use to do my self now bugs me to my very core
Im pobly loseing my mind hell and heaven both know im growing very very far apart form my friends there off get high and drunk while i work and study continuesly these days
Christmass seems ever harder this year with no money for me to spend on any one even thoue i know my parents will give me the money i need and i am haveing an increasingly ard time finding out what i want for my self iv been so concerned with every one else that i dont even know what i want to make me happy any more
But all in all i dont mind the way i live any more jsut the way every one else lives
Sarah Lane her blog is as smooth as poitry theres a feeling of awww when you read some of her posts
i know im to be married but it still be cool to just meet her once even if we didnt get along or any thing
but such is life i guess ill just keep livin life one day at a time like uswal
naota once said that nothing ever happens in this town this boaring every day town untill she came along
When am i going to find that person that makes my day to day life seem fun again or intresting
politics are more intresting then thel ife i live and its sad but michele makes me happy so as long as i hold her tight every thing is gonna be ok. I wont let her go for any one not even god
And collages not leting kids blog online even exspleing them becuase of it . Thats a bit upsered in my opion it doesnt honestly reprasent them just there students what the fuck whould they care
maybe i feel they should think that way thanks to the public school system iv grown acustum to i always do find my self thinking what would happen if was going to a privte school how would things be difrent if i had money and would i be happy for once if i did, I always come to the same conclusion that yeah things about me would be difrent but id still have michele and i wouldnt be happy unless im with her (damn emo music sounds good but depressing) i have to stop listening to them my sister only listens to emo shit and it pounds in my head but yeah what ever
Its pathtic theres an online counter to show how many months days even years will emma watson Hermine will legal to fuck
and to top it off its wrong if that clock was right shed be a year older then i am but in fact shes 2 years younger then i.... people need to grow up yeah there famous that doesnt make them better then any one hell half the people in hollywood are horible people they jsut get paid for acting thats all nothing difrent nothing special thats just like as if we worishped the rich but we dont if u poor u hate the rich but not Celberties? what the fuck is with that and E isnt helping any thing thats all that channle is about it mearly feeds us with shit we dont need!
now a funny yet intuitivly smart show on television is The Boondock on [AdultSwim] that show is great some people dont see the charm or the intelagense in it becuase of its lack in actual action people complaine that its all diolog which it is but isnt that better then most cartoons today they arnt even funny they over exspemt on being stupid funny to the point where it isnt funny at all some fine exsamples (grim adventures of billy and mandy,ed,edd,eddy) thoues are just a few
as the kid from doondocks would say
see you in space cowboy.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
It's been a while..
ummm please all who read this coment i know i gett traffic not much but some and my mblog of coruse linked at the bottom not updated often as i stil wondering how im even gonna make it threw the next day doesnt leave me much to sepnd twards a camra or any thing but i get by when ever i can alright later
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Its Attack of the Show
but this new guy andrew or something i thing it was hes very cool brings a more nerdy vibe to the show which makes it funny not that it wasnt before but i think it just makes the nerdy jokes stick out more i think he should defently stick around they all seem to all get along at least on camra and brandon moran well lol..... hes well.... well.....ummm.
he looks good when u copy and paste im to the user created??! not even sure about that but who am i to jump aboard the anti-brandon moran wagon lol
Monday, August 22, 2005
The name Sephx Was born one day when i was playing halo 2 with some buddys and i relised i needed a new nick name and its pernounced (sef-x) not to be pernounced sphinx damn it
And the TR stands for the Tarrin Republic from the video game PlanetSide by SOE
ok ow the post
I really do try to never open my mouth about any thing i dont know about but most of us know thats not easy. Well for thoues who i do ofend in this blog im teribly sorry i dotn want any one to take it the wrong way and note these posts are not to be taken personaly under any sercumstances becuase i wont nessarly know who you are.
School teaches you the same fucking dman thing over and over and over again and youth doest take head at all of these lessons no matter how many time they are presented for us to learn. They are too cought up in there little pitty social scobbles that actuly serve no meaning or signifagents out side of thoeus halls once they are grown up. i recently asked a question to some of the younger kids in my fmaily and friends fmaily's and they all got it wrong and i was shocked listen to this
The Question "What did bill gates creat to become so rich and famous to the point that he will go down in history"
There answers "1. The internet 2. I dont know 3. Its not important why should i care"
now this made me laught exspecialy becuase of the last one becuase most them where so upsessed with my space and all there other software programs that run on there computers and they have no idea that bill gates is responsable for puting the computer into the hands of the simple minded with is creation windows and the company microsoft with out that we would be in dos still and you would have to be educated to use the computer like the brilant minds of that time of the apple and apple 2 computers becore windows was created and then shortly to follow its counter part linix
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
All things gameing!
- Top Ten reasons to buy Wolrd of WarCraft
- Well to start off its warcraft i mean come on that should sell you right there
- Its exstreamly open for game play the only restriction is level of dificulty depending you level
- you can only reach level 60 thus no one can be super strong and it alows for an decent amount of stradgey to your character building always leaving you thinking what your going to do next
- Its left open to play hored or alince
- leveling remains to be fairly simple as you level up of course old rp elmit it becomes more dificuly by require more xp to progress how ever this problem is fixed becuase the higher level monsters you kill the more x[p they drop something ive seen wrong with alot of games
- the game play intutive but simply spread out in stypes of game play perfectly
- three kinds of game play normal ,pvp , and role playing for all you anime/yahoo rpers/or even gaia as much as i hate gaia
- priceings is jsut right
- the games requirements are not steap at all
- and there are decent in game events but hey theres new to mmo they wil ldefnetly get better and to go further to say every tiem there servers are down they add time to your account to make up for the inconvience something SOE never did
The Great Decline
In this time in our quainte little world it still never seems to manige to suprise me of how far our civlisation has fallen moral wise and in intelagence. Why this suprises me I'll never know itsn ot like im saying we whould all be saints or in no way am i preaching a religeon on to any one who doesnt want it but people today simply have no limits and its sickning. Like when i see a 13 year old girl go around saying shes sleepin with a 19 year old that isnt right in fact thats flat out wrong. I'm a very open guy always looking for new thrills and all that shit but i draw a line where 13 year old girls have sex and child moelestation is at an all time high.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
World of Warcraft
Other News in My World:Shit gets tough you know....!? but with heavey eyes and a batteres back i try and look fward just not easy now schools back and i wont be seeing most my friends often any more. Not that it mattered to much . Hey i kinda like that odd silence and salitude helps with studies and keeps my mind foucused on school work. I still wonder if im going to ever go close shoping? sould use some new shit *sigh*