As i ponder these questions i relise its really nothing like that its his ability to find an idea or cause and stand up for it in time of dire need reguardless good or evil bad or wrong Heros can not be defind in a matter such as this. The person who others consider a hero he or she may not even think of them selfs as heros in there mind they are mearly doing what they think is right.
so what makes a hero its the people or fans who see a person as a hero that makes them a hero. So with that said why is it when we think hero's we think ither some one who fought in a war, movies, or comic books, or video games, and even law officers. Any one can be a hero and if more people would learn to take actions and are willing to take the challenge and the responsablity the world would be a better place the United States would be a better place.
I'm standing behind my words every day now i seem to be working our and even learning things. i dont want to be average and if ever an situation acures where some one needs to step up i want to be able to stand up and at least hold my head up high and say i helped or tryed to help.