Thursday, September 07, 2006

school,jobs,games OH MY!!!

Hmm... Haven't posted in a long while, haven't really had any thing to post about to be honest. Topeld with the fact that no one reads this any more due to lack of updating and people geting tired of constantly checking for updates with disapoinment meeting them there every time. But despite all that on the small off chance that some one some where still is reading this, Yes I'm talking to yo small austrailin boy who gets on late at night when your parents are sleeping!

soo.... soooooooOOOoooo.

Down to Bussniess I guess

1. I recently started to play World of Warcraft again, got intocuh with alot of my old high school firneds on there as well. Also got my futur wife Michele to purches and play the game with me, My highest level as of right now is an 22 shamn orc on the server Staghelm named Sakim, If you play and wanna drop me a small shout out feel free.
2. I just got a job and got paid also quit hopefully to get a job at a new pizza place that just opened up near me, but any way I got Age of Empires3 finaly had my eye on it for some time now. and I also picked up a copy of The Movies! from Lion head studios, i havent posted any movies yet online but i will post when i do with a link on how to reach them.
3. as i stated before i got a job it was fun at first but the owner is a real ass hole so he yelled at the people who worked moanring , who never fire the uesless people, so in turn i got yelled at even thoue i did my job and then some for next to nothing wage wise, so i quit and am looking to get hired at this pizza shop, got a good feeling i have showed alot of intrest and i have a firned who curntly works there and is puting in a good word for me.
4. i started school today, and of course instead of doing the work im on here typeing this for thoue who may or may not be still reading this blog :P
5. this thanksgiving is a speical one im going to spend a week with my girl friend. also a thing i think is hurting my job chances but im hoping i can pull this threw with all of it intact!

Well till then thoues of faith in me

im taking another art class this year so im gonna have more art and more pictures so hopefully my MoBlog will get so much needed updating as well. keep checking back in for that later.