Sunday, August 19, 2007
Brim Stock
First off in this post I wanna show some love to a band called Final Decent there a set of young guys who really got the guts to get up on stage with the big boys and not to mention they actually sound good which with local bands is a nice surprise.
this is them posing lol
this is there guitarist and basest warming up as we ran sound check.
this was them starting there first song of the day, good stuff.
Heres the monster of a guitarist who just tore the cords up :) great job guys
there Drummer a shame he couldn't see the rest of the show maybe next time.
Great show guys you got guts and the sound to match it you earn alot of respect from the industry getting up there and just doing you're thing keep it up
Next up, I'm gonna give a few random pictures then back to the music.
my brother Scott
my big brother Nick
the monster of our system the mixer!
a small taste of the sound we bring :)
now back to the music.
Thats a few shots of a band called Lies within,
and one of the greats on the local circut here in ohio the cuz of Mayrlin Manson CANDY CODED JESUS
Oh and for the record all these bands can be found on and can probly oder cds or hear previews there as well so check em out listen up and head out next time they preform, fatsound will be runing sound!
Friday, August 17, 2007
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction."
"True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen."
-La Rochefoucauld
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
-Les Miserables
"Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole."
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love."
"Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other."
-Leo F. Buscaglia
"To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best."
-William M. Thackeray
"Don't forget to love yourself."
-Soren Kierkegaard
"True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away."
-Alicia Barnhart
"You call it madness, but I call it love."
-Don Byas
Please take these quotes and really soak them in and think about you're life. I really don't care if you comment on this or not if you think I'm a fool I just DON'T care any more this is how I feel and I feel that this is how it is. Its hard to put a real deffention to an emotion as they generealy are just impulses in the mind. but if you really think about it I think you will find that being whole even if for a brief moment in our lives is better then going an eternity unfinished.
Fun Fun Fun OK! now with more ACTIoN!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Side notes
On a Side note. Great show Brian! rocked the house!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Mega Hitters to Bat!
I even will have a Review from the BioShock Demo.
This game hits shelves for the Xbox 360 august 21, if you don't have this bad boy pre-ordered its highly recomend that you go and get it now!
The Big Daddy guarding his precies little sister in the inner bowls of the City known as Rapture!
This game takes place in an underwater city built to be free of goverment, morals and censors where the great could florish, the time is 1966 the town is on the brink of distruction and after a Accsadent you find you'r self at the door step and you are now at a crossroad, you can Ither be Raptures salvation or exsploite its citzens for you'r own gain.
This demo is nothing short of great, thus I exspect nothing but greatness from this little gem of epic proportions the detials done by 2k games using the unreal3 engine is just breath taking, , there were two teams working on it one on the game theo ther on the water its self. The graphics and lighting are just mindblowing as the games complexity give it amzing replailty. if you havent downloaded it on Xbl then get on it now.
now this bad boy is supose to hit shelves this september so keep you'r finguers crossed for this title on the xbox 360!
Now theres no demos out or any thing so you will have to check with actual develpoers for the most real time updated news. but from what I've seen from e3 the graphics stunning 3 major cities in biblical times fully rendor every inch is scalable and interactable with actual city populas thats fully interactive and a robut combat engine that looks to take the game in many difrent styles of game play to suite every gamers need and keep you replaying over and over again this should defently be on you'r list.
on last but certenly not least
This one is for the Wii, finaly a reason to have that thing again. It hits shelfs september 21 as well.
Our fav sexy little female Bounty hunter, before Megaman before masterchife there was Samus in her latest adventure takes place on our Wii home councels so go buy some bateries for them wii motes dust off the numbchuck and get ready to take on the final chapter in the Prime story i nthe Metroid univers theres not alot I can tell you except if you liked the last two or simply own a wii then you need to own this one.
on a side note a shout out to the folks over at If you havent heard of them you should there djs vairy music style but genrealy great comunity and they chill out in City of heros and city of villans normaly. they stay in touch with the MMoRPG community!
Major Reformat,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
nerds ahoy!
now the first few are just me roamin silver moon i love the way this city looks.
now these here are me and a few buds doing some quests in the Arathi Highlands.
ok my next post is gonna be dedicated to all my guildies out there :)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Been a While.
I look at the Situation in the Medical world today and over the past 30 years and I see a very serius problem. As I say this I know if I had alot of readers which I don't but if I did I know very well most of them arn't even aware of the problem and look on to this text with a bit of confusion but as you read NOT SCAM this articale I will exsplaine.
The fact is that medicine is a bussniess and if they don't make money then they close shop then no one can be helped I understand this full heartedly but the people with the wallets in medicine is the Phramstuical companies and they get there pay threw medication and vairus treatment programs and machines. So if they were to actuly use the charitiy and there own money to find cures for any diessease its money out of there paycheck its another hit to there income. So the simple fact is as long as medicines purse strings are held by the phramasutical industry then all the money churches rise, the money from there own profits charites and the hospitals only go twards research to find ways of prolonging an illness so they can keep you going from pay check to pay check so they keep geting money from each person, the people in charge only look at us as cattle much like the tabacoo industry and our government.
Secound thing I would like to take the time to adress is the fat that no matter where you go you hear some one complaining about the government and how somthing is being handled or the war or the bush adminstration in genereal. Well to be honest I'm no fan but the fact is that all these complaints and unrest and no one is doing any thing about it not a damn thing. We as Us citizens have it very good in our cousey little country, and as citzens we have the most power we live in a domcricey and we the people do in fact have hte power it is each and every one of our duties to go forth and vote. If enough people where to start voteing on every thign and where registered voters they would do away with the electoral vote and it would show just how bad the people of our great country want change. With numbers and cordanation we could easily be at the white house rallying in a NON-VIolent protest to rid our selfs of this lousy admistration stop the censour ship of our news and get OUT of Iraq. The more organised and infromed the indavisual is as our numbers grow and the more peacefull our protests are the less reason they have to calli n riots, the less material they have to use agenst us trying to call us radicals. We also must leave god and morals out of this. that kind of imput can be turned on a group of people so fast its not even funny. and to the people who say " our votes don't count and I don't wanna get draged into jury dutty" first off freedom is not free own up and step up to responsability its about time people of this planet started to Life isnt just some big party I see it to often in politics, and in personal matters like a man not being able to own up and take care of a girl whom he knocks up due to his lack of self controll and responsability or parents who have kids but refuse to stop acting like kids them self which only screws over the kids. and secound these thing you have to do and are exspected to there not even hard and there like a one time thing and theres a great chance with our population that it wont even happen so stop complaining and own up or get out of our country.
A thrid thing I'd like to talk about and for this post the last one is the issue with imagrints taking jobs. The simple fact is if we infromed them justh ow much they should be making for the jobs they wouldn't work for the pay they do they are being abused by greedy imploiers and to the cry babies who say they replaced me with a Mexican. First off you wouldn't of been fired in the first place if you had just done you're job the right way the first time with a little effort not just barly skiming by and thats normaly the case some teenager gets fired they bring in an imagrint and they feel like its not fair but the guy they hired yeah maybe he working for less but even so with less pay hes working three times as hard and doing his job correctly when the teen was probly geting paid to much for barly working. However I do feel the illegal imagration is a growing problem that can be solved in a long series of step what they should do is go to mexico and help them improve slightly and not by out sourceing jobs only a moron ( bush) whould think thats a great idea to help the econimy like giving the minum wage a boost so that people will have more to spend and buy more which in theroy would work but when they do that stores raise there prices so its like the wage increase never happened to begin with. but not only help improve there country but educate them on how to become legal imagrints into our country I'm still a firm beleiver in the American dream and that every one deserves a right to there claim but simply go threw the system because if you don't you will never make it out of poverty any way so much for that dream its the same here for them as it is for them in mexico little work no money bad areas. they need to infro mthe public how to do it the right way to get them off on the right foot the prosses isnt even that hard if they had at least the minum required edjucation they could become legal imagrints in our country. but over all improving there country is the only way to slow down the prolbem but its one that will never be solved.
oh and p.s. building a giant wall around the border is retarded the Chinese did in the old day before people started setteling things in more civil manors lets not go back to that. :) enjoy my faithfull readers.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Guitar Hero that could.
- Curent Life- Trying to sell this stupid guitar of mine, Also trying to figure out what cheapo usb wireless adapter for my 360
- My Views on the War in Irag- Note! I suport our troops 100% Its the Management sending them there I don't see eye to eye with.
- Last Minute Thoguths- Its a new segment I want to try and start if I can keep my blog up to date.
Curent Life.
My Guitar. I have been trying to sell this little black Pevee brand guitar. for about a month now and have had a few people intrestead but they always seem to fall threw on payments I'm beging to grow impatient with it.
Xbox 360. Well pressed for money after dropoing over $400 big ones on gears the system and live I need a wireless ubs port and the xbox one is another HUNDRED which I can't afford with the games I want becuase gears is great but I need some other titles Halo2 can only do so much for me.
Political Stuff
The War in Iraq. I love our troops they are doing a great job. I hate President bush and vice President Chainy they haven't a clue. Not to mention the amounts of lies they fed to the masses to convinces us to get behind him in the first place but the fact that they never give us any real answers they loop around for the longest time so that they dont have to answer let alown tell the truth. Watching the president speak is like watching MTV and diping my nut sack in a fat fryer.
We should pull out and get out people out of there, Bomb the livin hell out of em and leave them that way. The whole idea behind BLOWING UP YOUR FOE is to stop them not knock them down and pick them back up and hand them a shiney new supply of money and weapons.
Bush and Chainy should be thrown out of office and firmly bitten in the rear by white house guard dogs.
Finaly Thoughts.
We have morons in charge.
There is far to much comercialisum in our day to day lives.
We must watch wat we eat.
And becuase i missed it Marry Christmass and Happy new year.
my resalution was to not be so sinical.