Here are a few of the Mega Hitters that are coming out in the following months for all you out there that will wait till the Holliday season I even will have a Review from the BioShock Demo.

This game hits shelves for the Xbox 360 august 21, if you don't have this bad boy pre-ordered its highly recomend that you go and get it now!

The Big Daddy guarding his precies little sister in the inner bowls of the City known as Rapture!
This game takes place in an underwater city built to be free of goverment, morals and censors where the great could florish, the time is 1966 the town is on the brink of distruction and after a Accsadent you find you'r self at the door step and you are now at a crossroad, you can Ither be Raptures salvation or exsploite its citzens for you'r own gain.
This demo is nothing short of great, thus I exspect nothing but greatness from this little gem of epic proportions the detials done by 2k games using the unreal3 engine is just breath taking, , there were two teams working on it one on the game theo ther on the water its self. The graphics and lighting are just mindblowing as the games complexity give it amzing replailty. if you havent downloaded it on Xbl then get on it now.

now this bad boy is supose to hit shelves this september so keep you'r finguers crossed for this title on the xbox 360!

Now theres no demos out or any thing so you will have to check with actual develpoers for the most real time updated news. but from what I've seen from e3 the graphics stunning 3 major cities in biblical times fully rendor every inch is scalable and interactable with actual city populas thats fully interactive and a robut combat engine that looks to take the game in many difrent styles of game play to suite every gamers need and keep you replaying over and over again this should defently be on you'r list.
on last but certenly not least

This one is for the Wii, finaly a reason to have that thing again. It hits shelfs september 21 as well.

Our fav sexy little female Bounty hunter, before Megaman before masterchife there was Samus in her latest adventure takes place on our Wii home councels so go buy some bateries for them wii motes dust off the numbchuck and get ready to take on the final chapter in the Prime story i nthe Metroid univers theres not alot I can tell you except if you liked the last two or simply own a wii then you need to own this one.
on a side note a shout out to the folks over at If you havent heard of them you should there djs vairy music style but genrealy great comunity and they chill out in City of heros and city of villans normaly. they stay in touch with the MMoRPG community!