Ok so it really has been a tremendus time sense I've posted been so busy I havent been on a computer in a about a month or two So let us begin with the shit ladies and gentalmen don your water wadeing pants now...
Well work sucks ass its horendusly busy and I get no hours, I really really like this girl tawny, erin and I had a small thang its nothing dissmissing it forn now.
Christmas was good to me I got a ton of cds and a fair share of money. Been chillin at a gay bar the interbelt good people good music lots of fun I'm suprisingly a good dancer but not gay.
I leave in 26 days from now to Basic traiing I'm scared out of my mind but I know I need to jsut do this and plunge head long into it for the beetter of my life. I'm going to miss my friends and family while I'm gone but its not for ever so we will see I jsut pray dearly that I never get a call at base that any one has been hurt or died while I'm away If I come back on leave I do not want it to be for a funeral.
I've lost a tone of weight and am looking fantastic I'll have to get new pics some time soon before I leave but till then just go on by word ummm lets see obama won yay! the new years is jsut aroudn the conor I work lol of coruse just like christmass eve. till next time which might be a very very long time from now but keep coming back and I'll hopefully keep posting. Leave me some feed back to let me know some one is still out there reading this shit that way i have a reason to keep coming back and posting.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
9:52 A.M some one else basement.
The name sums up where I am right now. so yeah it has been a while and to any one on Gaia, I am sorry I know I said Id go into detail about the jernoual post there but now I don't think I can be asked. Ok so and update on things is in order this is a post about me not a thought on a topic or a phylisocial out look or any thing so if thats what you're hoping for skip on this one, for the rest of you here we go.
1. I recently got back together with Sarah Gibson shes such a great girl a big heart, alittle misdirected at times but she truly is incredable. She interduced me to a few of her friends there all pritty cool but a shout out to Gerred and Chris-the Bigman Koolaid. two days stright nothing but laughs truly good times and you let us crash together so even more props to that.
2. Well some history needs to be rewritten in my Alter Ego's life Sephx and the old one Takaru, I am redrawing them and writing a big story on the final bout between the two the end result is the same because I cant really rewrite almost 10 years of history but I want to reimagine the grand fight and it now needs to include Sarah's character Shadow Takaru's main squeese I'll probly post a rough draft of some of the art up here soon I plan to begin uploading alot of my art as soon as I learn to water mark them in a way that cant be removed with basic ms paint, I'm all for people likeing my art and using it for there characters or what ever but when they try to pass it off as there shit I get mad, I mean i let y'all get it for free the least you can do is give me the fucking credit.
3. United States Navy stuff is well under way I'm in got my job Avation Ordance just got to keep in shape and go to the depper meetings on thursdays till I ship out and its smooth sailing from there.
4. still no work but got apps all over the place to just get some basic cash flow going till I leave for the military man why is our econimy in the shiter right now.
Well thats all I got for now I'll try and stay frequent on the posts to the best of my abilities but my pc's at home are having issue so that may not be totaly possible.
1. I recently got back together with Sarah Gibson shes such a great girl a big heart, alittle misdirected at times but she truly is incredable. She interduced me to a few of her friends there all pritty cool but a shout out to Gerred and Chris-the Bigman Koolaid. two days stright nothing but laughs truly good times and you let us crash together so even more props to that.
2. Well some history needs to be rewritten in my Alter Ego's life Sephx and the old one Takaru, I am redrawing them and writing a big story on the final bout between the two the end result is the same because I cant really rewrite almost 10 years of history but I want to reimagine the grand fight and it now needs to include Sarah's character Shadow Takaru's main squeese I'll probly post a rough draft of some of the art up here soon I plan to begin uploading alot of my art as soon as I learn to water mark them in a way that cant be removed with basic ms paint, I'm all for people likeing my art and using it for there characters or what ever but when they try to pass it off as there shit I get mad, I mean i let y'all get it for free the least you can do is give me the fucking credit.
3. United States Navy stuff is well under way I'm in got my job Avation Ordance just got to keep in shape and go to the depper meetings on thursdays till I ship out and its smooth sailing from there.
4. still no work but got apps all over the place to just get some basic cash flow going till I leave for the military man why is our econimy in the shiter right now.
Well thats all I got for now I'll try and stay frequent on the posts to the best of my abilities but my pc's at home are having issue so that may not be totaly possible.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
gota be it

Alright to my loyal readers I wanna say sorry I promised to stay curent, but things always seem to come up and I put this on my to do list way twards the bottom. So I have joined the navy now I'm probly gonna go career 20 years in and retire well before I'm 50.
I also met a very cute girl. well before my friends become the nay sayers they are shes cute to me and thats all that damn matters. Shes very smart I can truly hold a smart converation with her I love it nothing gets me going more then a good conversation.Its been a blast the last few days with her when I'm not to sore from the constant work out or sarving from the lack of food I just love being around her it always seems even thoue we have nothing to do both of us being rather poor that we have somthing to talk about to keep each other entertained.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I just wanna give a quick shout out to this anime its still new here in the states but its amzing to say the least a great breath of fresh air in the stagnat ninja muck that is anime its on acrtoonnetwork at 1230 am on saturdays set your tivos
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