Sunday, July 20, 2008

gota be it

Alright to my loyal readers I wanna say sorry I promised to stay curent, but things always seem to come up and I put this on my to do list way twards the bottom. So I have joined the navy now I'm probly gonna go career 20 years in and retire well before I'm 50.

I also met a very cute girl. well before my friends become the nay sayers they are shes cute to me and thats all that damn matters. Shes very smart I can truly hold a smart converation with her I love it nothing gets me going more then a good conversation.Its been a blast the last few days with her when I'm not to sore from the constant work out or sarving from the lack of food I just love being around her it always seems even thoue we have nothing to do both of us being rather poor that we have somthing to talk about to keep each other entertained.