Friday, March 03, 2006

The Falling of a State of Mind!

The Name really isnt going to be consistant with this post so if your confussed I've done my job! :)

I just watched the new harry potter movie. once again the story is good the actiing is alright the kids look cool iI supose. I might be hard on it but it really conflicts with my NERDY side the hole D&D thing that i have instaled into my threw years of gameing and reading fantsy books lol elfs being short for one Never looks or sounds right!. Wizzards and Witches useing wands to creat magic is another that never sat well with me. I was at one point writeing a fan fic to it if u can call it that where my charachter was introduced into the story as an exschange student the only american ever to be admited into Hogwarts. an Under study for merlin in his final years of living i didnt use a wand and Sephx was trainging in arcaine and alchemy at the tim and was to study the varius ideas and teachings offered at Hogwarts but his intrests shit twards the students mainly the Mian 3 students as you can guess. and it unwravles to this huge violent plot alot darker then any thing ever done in the books/and movies . It got alot of good coments to the poeple i actuly showed it too i might Post it some time in the near future if i get around to it. But as it stands I struggle to Up date this blog as it is but in the long run i think it might IF i start geting feed back again the traffic to this page has slowed and its killing me!

I rember when bloging was for nerds only lol back when u know u would have traffic becuase there was only like 40 of us in the world doing it.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Yeah I heard the movie wasnt all that great for some reason, I dunno, I still read the harry potter books for like, just to see whats up, but I never got around to the movies.

Heh dont blog as often, well, its fun, but mostly I just do shit in a journal now. Which I hide from family, god forbid they find it, but its nothing new.

Its a beautiful morning and its in the middle of the day. Cheeseballs.