Wednesday, August 17, 2005

All things gameing!

  • Top Ten reasons to buy Wolrd of WarCraft
  1. Well to start off its warcraft i mean come on that should sell you right there
  2. Its exstreamly open for game play the only restriction is level of dificulty depending you level
  3. you can only reach level 60 thus no one can be super strong and it alows for an decent amount of stradgey to your character building always leaving you thinking what your going to do next
  4. Its left open to play hored or alince
  5. leveling remains to be fairly simple as you level up of course old rp elmit it becomes more dificuly by require more xp to progress how ever this problem is fixed becuase the higher level monsters you kill the more x[p they drop something ive seen wrong with alot of games
  6. the game play intutive but simply spread out in stypes of game play perfectly
  7. three kinds of game play normal ,pvp , and role playing for all you anime/yahoo rpers/or even gaia as much as i hate gaia
  8. priceings is jsut right
  9. the games requirements are not steap at all
  10. and there are decent in game events but hey theres new to mmo they wil ldefnetly get better and to go further to say every tiem there servers are down they add time to your account to make up for the inconvience something SOE never did

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